Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Living in High School

**NOTE**This entry is probably convoluded and didn't make it full circle, but I guess it is just a random stream of concious. I hope that it may have had some sort of impact?

All I really just want to emphasize that some people suck. And these people are not the kind that I want to associate with. Some of these people include bigots and liars, and others include "that person" from high school who still thinks that he/she is the most important thing to walk the earth. They weren't that important then, and they sure as hell aren't that important now. The funny thing about these people is that they rarely as successful as they plan to be. The once high school pageant queen will probably end up with three kids and a divorce by the age of 27, and the guy who was so sexy and athletic will be paying his child support on the meager earnings as a gas station attendant. The kids who played "Magic" in the cafetria, and the art club girls, who no one seemed to get, will be contributing to society, saving lives, building rockets, and performing open heart surgery.
There may even be some people like Romey and Michelle, the girls who were just trying to fit in, and no one seemed to really give them a chance.

Living in the real world has already taught me one important lesson, high school never ends. Life is just one big high school. Just because we aren't contained in one big cinderblock building and constantly under florescent lighting (can you imagine how horrible), doesn't mean it is going to stop. There is going to be that girl with the bleached flat hair and the eye makeup that was applied way too heavy and incorrectly who thought (thinks) she was(is) all that. There is going a plethora of people that pass you by and you may never get to know. There are always going to be hippy stoners around, some girl who can't stop gossiping, some boy that never gets tired of pants-ing people, the sensitive artsy type, AND there will always be the negative nancy's.If you are in high school, become the person you want to be known as now, because the image that you create now is how you are going to be remembered by majority of the people you graduate with.

Point being: The people in your life that suck need to get a big heave-ho. Toss them overboard, because like any other unnecessary baggage, they are slowing you down. And those people who deserve the recognition, let's give them some. The time is now. Don't make excuses.



  1. I smiled the entire time reading this.
    I love you.

  2. SO TRUE. brandi and I were talking about how the drama will never stop and te est thing to do is just be ourselves and not give into needless gossip. Preach it baby <3

  3. the best* wow. spelling

  4. Thank you. This made me feel better about my life.

  5. After graduation, our high school homecoming queen went schizo and I think was put in hospital for a while. The best looking hunk guy lost all his gorgeous soft curl blond hair!
