Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poltergeist Phenom

Does anyone know anything about poltergeists?

I am sure I have one living in my house. Every time I turn on my TV it is playing TNA wrestling, no matter what station I leave it on it always comes up. There is no other explanation for this other than that of a poltergeist living in here with me.
I am not afraid of this fact, he seems to be a nice poltergeist who just has a habit of watching fake wrestling.
I am not going to lie, I started to watch a couple minutes of the "sport", and when I had decided I had lost enough brain cells, I turned it off, but in that wretched 10 minutes I realized that there really isn't a gayer sport than wrestling.

These guys are greased up and muscled to the max, rolling around in spankies. That sounds like a Saturday night in my book! And let's also notice how synchronized and fluid all of these "moves" are. It is like a weird lesbian ballet, I mean they incorporate leather vests (with fringe) and knee high doc-martins...let's be real.

Anyway I am naming my poltergeist Carlton. I feel that it is fitting.

And before any of you think that I am being dramatic or that I am not knowledgeable on the topic, I used to have a ghost in my old house when I lived with my parents, his name was Mule Jimmy, and he was a nice soul who always turned our ceiling fans on when it was too hot for him.
And I also had an imaginary friend when I was four, and named him Judd, I blamed him for all of the bad that I used to do, like cursing ( I would say, "I didn't say it, Judd said it"). So I think I know what I am talking about, I am an expert in the supernatural if I do say so myself.

But, since this is my first experience with a poltergeist, please give me any advie that you may have.

Tell me about your supernatural experiences!!

Love you all!

William (&& Carlton)


  1. There is a ghost in my apartment in Selma. I suppose it has something to do with the house being built in 1850. I belive its a woman (partly to make myself feel better) and she lives within the walls and only makes noises at night. Perhaps she is just lonely. Any way, I suppose she's ok, maybe I should name her :)

  2. carlton!
    i wish we had nice ghost the only nice one i've seen was my grandmother maggie.

    calen sees things in our apartment..i see them too..its quit scary, but chris isn't sensitive to it..he just holds me when im scared.

    i think someone was murdered in our apartment and i have been trying to get together the courage to ask our landlord...
    well i have loved reading your blog today please post something new soon!!!
    <3 karen
